Quinta do Portal Winery

The Quinta do Portal Winery commissioned Álvaro Siza to design a project aimed at turning their winery into a landmark destination on wine tourism routes. The result is an enclosed space which fits perfectly into its natural surroundings.

Views of the project overall.

Frédéric Deltenre

Discussing graphic design and the professionals that practice it inevitably entails discussing languages. And dilemmas, in this case related to communication, since problem solving lies at the very heart of the culture of design and, also, since designing always involves making ethical, methodological and market choices. Thus, it is possible to interpret an author through his graphic language, but as the hypothesis of a personal project that deciphers a broader situation than the design itself.

Frédéric Deltenre

Hablar de diseño gráfico y de los profesionales que lo practican, significa siempre hablar de lenguajes. Pero también de problemas, en este caso de comunicación, porque el problem solving está en el corazón mismo de la cultura del diseño, y también porque diseñar supone siempre hacer elecciones éticas, metodológicas y de mercado.