Design by land, sea or air by Marc Newson

Marc Newson develops vehicle designs from an experimental focus, in an effort that brings together technological, materials and system innovation. The Gagosian Gallery in New York organizes 'Transport', an exhibition open until the 16th of October dedicated to the Australian industrial designer's main transportation projects since 1999.


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Colaboradores para la web

Civil or church design

Gone are the days when fancy cardboard paper and calligraphic fonts were ‘sine qua non’ standards for wedding invitations and card designs. The young Basque workshop run by María Sáez and Ander Sánchez, La caja de tipos, develops, amongst other projects, personalized contemporary proposals for traditional.

First communion card, 2010.

Create your own Mr. Cube

Mr. Cube is a structure created from a wooden cube, a series of interchangeable pieces designed by Héctor Serrano. The number of possible combinations of magnetized legs, arms and head -all of which make up a cube- are infinite.