Frédéric Deltenre

Discussing graphic design and the professionals that practice it inevitably entails discussing languages. And dilemmas, in this case related to communication, since problem solving lies at the very heart of the culture of design and, also, since designing always involves making ethical, methodological and market choices. Thus, it is possible to interpret an author through his graphic language, but as the hypothesis of a personal project that deciphers a broader situation than the design itself.

Frédéric Deltenre

Hablar de diseño gráfico y de los profesionales que lo practican, significa siempre hablar de lenguajes. Pero también de problemas, en este caso de comunicación, porque el problem solving está en el corazón mismo de la cultura del diseño, y también porque diseñar supone siempre hacer elecciones éticas, metodológicas y de mercado.

Pepe Cruz Novillo on the road. Design in the streets of Madrid

 Experimenta tv accompanies José Maria Cruz Novillo, National Design Prize winner, to show us some of the most emblematic artistic attractions of Madrid, a city that is central to a great deal of his work.

Amongst these are César Ruiz-Larrea’s ‘Diagrama Decafónico de Dígitos’ project in Madrid, subsequently used for the INE building (Instituto Nacional de Estadística; National Statistics Institute); and sculptures created for the corporate identities of Repsol, Magisa and Portland Valderribas.

Exposición Cartográfica Madrid Diseña

Experimenta, junto al Ayuntamiento de Madrid ha colaborado en la realización de la exposición Cartográfica Madrid Diseña. Organizada por Dimad (Asociación Diseñadores de Madrid), comisariada por Pierluigi Cattermole, director de Editorial Experimenta, y coordinada por María Cuevas, la muestra, planteada a partir de los conceptos de red y comunidad, es una herramienta colectiva en la que han participado en esta primera fase alrededor de 800 personas.

Experimenta on social networks

Experimenta made it's appearance on Facebook and Twitter   Experimenta made it's appearance on Facebook and Twitters. Become a fan to get the latest news and to become part of an exclusive network of professionals and design enthusiasts.

Willem Gispen: An important Dutch modernist designer

Willem Gispen, a trailblazer in his double role as designer and manufacturer, decided to go for tubular steel and serial production and, in so doing, he chose to forgo aesthetic pretensions in his industrial creations. A well-known activist in the artistic and business circles of his time, Gispen was one of the individuals responsible for promoting the social values of the arts and crafts movement. The incorporation of his designs into the Dutch Originals replica catalogue is proof of the validity of his work.

Willem Gispen: un diseñador neerlandés moderno

Willem Gispen fue un pionero en su doble faceta de diseñador y fabricante. Apostó por el acero tubular, por la producción en serie y por el rechazo de las pretensiones estéticas en la creación industrial. Activista reconocido en los círculos artísticos y empresariales neerlandeses de su tiempo, Gispen fue un firme impulsor de los valores sociales de las artes y los oficios. La vigencia de sus piezas la evidencia su inclusión en el catálogo de réplicas de la firma Dutch Originals.

Cevisama 2010

The latest edition of Cevisama 2010, the International Show for Ceramics in Architecture and Bathroom and Kitchen Equipment, and the International Natural Stone and Machinery Fair, have decided to bring together their efforts to unify their offer in an attempt to meet market demands. The common denominator in this edition has been the importance given to environmental issues as is clear in many of the novelties that have been on display.