Sandprint, ecological visual communication in the beaches of Cádiz

Last year, Zana design the Spanish industrial design studio from Cádiz, developed a promotional campaign for the Instituto de Fomento y Formación (a public institution that promotes training for the local government of the city of Cádiz), in which the beaches of this Spanish province were used as spaces for visual communication and social intervention.


Ionna Vautrin’s friendly lamp

Binic is a small sized table lamp (only 20cm high), designed for Ionna Vautrin Vautrin by the Italian firm Foscarini. The young designer comes from the coastal town of Bretagne of the same name, and its shape is inspired in the typical ventilation shafts of a ship deck. Made from aluminium and a polycarbonate projector, it is available in six different colours.

La lámpara amigable de Ionna Vautrin

Binic es una lámpara de mesa de pequeñas dimensiones (tan sólo 20 centímetros de altura), diseñada por Ionna Vautrin para la firma italiana Foscarini. Su nombre es el de un pequeño pueblo portuario en la costa de la Bretaña francesa de donde es originaria la joven diseñadora y su forma está inspirada en los clásicas mangas de ventilación de cubierta de los barcos.

Designing glasses with social awareness

American studio FuseProject, in collaboration with the Mexican government, has developed “See Better to Learn Better”, a project set to put design at the service of education. These glasses are specially designed for pupils and are freely distributed amongst those families who cannot afford spectacles apt for their children.

Alessi: historia y futuro de una empresa del diseño italiano

En las últimas décadas, Alberto Alessi, empresario, y Alessandro Mendini, diseñador, han desarrollado conjuntamente proyectos de distinta índole. Los une la voluntad de crear algo nuevo y pensar de forma alternativa. De la inusual colaboración entre ellos dos, y el con museo Di Neue Sammlung de Munich, surge la exposición Orgetti e progetti. Alessi: storia e futuro di una fabbrica del design italiano que se inauguró del pasado 21 de mayo, y se podrá visitar hasta el 19 de septiembre.

Levity for a New Millennium

An apparently simple result and an extraordinarily complex process define Table B, designed by Konstantin Grcic for the Extrusions series of BD Barcelona Design and presented at the Milan Fair, and then at the BD head office in Madrid at the end of September. Inspired by classic works form the firm, such as the Hypostila shelf, Table B is more than an object: it is an emotion.