Willem Gispen: An important Dutch modernist designer

Willem Gispen, a trailblazer in his double role as designer and manufacturer, decided to go for tubular steel and serial production and, in so doing, he chose to forgo aesthetic pretensions in his industrial creations. A well-known activist in the artistic and business circles of his time, Gispen was one of the individuals responsible for promoting the social values of the arts and crafts movement. The incorporation of his designs into the Dutch Originals replica catalogue is proof of the validity of his work.

Leonardo Sonnoli

La obra del diseñador gráfico Leonardo Sonnoli (Trieste, 1962) rezuma valiosas dosis de conocimiento. Una reconocida trayectoria que además de referirse a sus raíces se desarrolla alrededor de criterios de cultura. «Cuantos más conocimientos tienes, más libre eres para generar ideas».

Skolos & Wedell

Nancy Skolos (1955) and Thomas Wedell (1949) met at Cranbrook Academy of Art (Michigan, US) in the mid-1970s. Since then, their personal and professional lives have been firmly intertwined. Nancy’s typography and design and Thomas’s photography coexist in their Boston house-studio where, far from clashing, they generate new paradigms of visual communication. The passion both artists profess the creative process has sharpened their inventiveness in a series of forceful posters. Illusory spaces and three-dimensional images in caps.

Skolos & Wedell

Nancy Skolos (1955) y Thomas Wedell (1949) se conocieron a mediados de la década de los 70 en la Cranbrook Academy of Art (Michigan, EEUU). Desde entonces, su vida personal y profesional permanecen firmemente entrelazadas. La tipografía y el diseño de Nancy y la fotografía de Thomas, conviven en su casa-estudio de Boston y, lejos de la arbitrariedad, generan nuevos paradigmas de comunicación visual. La pasión por el proceso creativo en la que ambos autores militan agudiza su ingenio en favor de enérgicos carteles.